Shai Reznik
Instructor Bio:
I also was fortunate enough to be recognize by Google as a Google Developer Expert for Angular.
As a consultant, I've helped over 30 companies build maintainable and testable large scale Angular apps, and my talks and courses about testing have been viewed by over 20,000 people
You might know me from my others crazy ng-conf talks - “ng-wat”, “The ng-show” and others... And you might also know me because I'm your neighbor, (Hi Moshe!).
And in my spare (spare?) time I run the largest JavaScript meetup group in Israel, I do stand-up comedy & Improv, I contribute to open source, I'm someone's ex-cousin and I love peer pressuring people into hugging their peers.Shai Reznik
The Crazy Angular Teacher
Our Courses:
Contact Us
I love teaching and the people in the Angular community.
That's why, if you ever have any question regarding the courses, website or anything else, feel free to hit me up at [email protected]